7 Sensitive places to touch your woman

Sensitive places to touch your woman – Men love sex. We do. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Many women also love sex, although few of them quite as much as we do. If, however, you learn how to touch your woman in ways no man has ever touched her before, your chances of getting more sex from her will increase tenfold.
    That said, here are seven parts of her body you might want to head to before you get your freak on. Not only will you arouse her immensely, you’ll show her that you know that sex isn’t simply about penetration alone.

    1- Spine

    While you should never massage the spine directly, feel free to use your tongue or fingers to glide up it every now and then. To drive her crazy, let your tongue graze over the little hairs on her back. Or, you can always use your fingers to tickle your way up to her neck.
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