7 Times Nigerian girls went completely naked in public all in the name of fashion (With Pictures)

Times Nigerian girls went completely naked in public
Times Nigerian girls went completely naked in public
Times Nigerian girls went completely naked in public – There is the need to review some of the things that are in vogue. The fashion trend is something that needs to be discussed in the society as the women have gone haywire. Nigeria is a country with high cultural values; women are not trained to parade the streets naked and show off body parts. The adulteration of our culture by the western world has brought upon us a curse as our women have now chosen the naked way.
It is like people are not seeing anything wrong in this, they are nonchalant about it. The few people who are bothered in the society are not rebuking these ladies. No one is asking you to go to the extreme while rebuking them but then, they need to be called to order.
When women lose their dignity and are not bothered about their integrity in the society, there is a problem. The men in the society have embarrassed lots of women because of the outrageous things they wear all in the name of fashion. Some had been stripped n@.kkd in the markets for wearing clothes not fit to be worn openly.
But for these ones who wear nets what can one do? Is this a mock attempt at being fully covered with clothes or what? Find below some of the outrageous fashion trends that would make you laugh hard:

1. A bizarre way of dressing

bizzare way of dressing
bizzare way of dressing

These ladies do not have an iota of shame. This is shameful and ridiculous; there are lots of beautiful women in the society who do not walk n@.kkd. They are respected and able to break grounds with their creativity and intelligence.
When you see ladies who dress this way in the society, you can easily tell how shallow they are; they are most likely to be people with little or no self-esteem. Most times, they do not know what to do with their lives.
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  1. Too bad latter they Will say somebody raped them when what they wear is even calling on the person that we like to rape them come come


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